Saturday, April 3, 2010

What can You find in an Old Cardboard Box

I am woke up every Saturday morning with quacking ducks, a great alarm on my ipod, love it. This makes me think of spring and flowers and best of all garage sales. It is a promise of found treasure and my heart beat races as the car pulls up to each new address.

I restrain my self from jumping out of the car so I am not lumped into that group of desperate dealers they're called. They exit the car while still in drive and push their way past everyone. Why? You may ask, well simply because it is their business. They support themselves on what they make from garage sales, estate sales, news paper adds and the list goes on. You snooze you loose and it could mean the difference between rent paid not.

For instance 4 years ago we visited London Ontario, great place, older homes and treasure. My husband and I happened on this little garage sale, mostly junk. Over in a old cardboard box was a chandelier, beautiful with all its crystals but dirty. It was obviously taken from a old home and replaced with Ikea lights. (my dream come true) It had 200 written on a piece of paper on the top of the box. Never go by the price always ask "Whats the best you'll take?" Then ask for it for less. So we did and the answer was 2 bucks.....really so we paid the 2 bucks no need to ask for less this time.

Down to the Antique Market we go with our treasure at 5 am in the morning. This is the best time to go as all the high end dealers from Queen St West., Rosedale, The Annex, and the list goes are there with cash in hand ready to deal.

We where swarmed! This was a treasure! Again the trick is let others make the price especially if you don't have a clue. I say to the first dealer interested "make an offer", as he fondles the crystals and the look in his eyes are already selling it in his mind to someone else. Then another dealers interrupts and you stop him because you are a good honest person and you are only dealing with one person at a time. At that point you original sales goes up and the price is set and the item is sold. This all happens very fast and you can't get flustered, you must keep a clear head and a happy face. My God I love this business.

I will post regularly with new episodes of my experiences at the St. Lawrence Antique Market.

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