Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Trip To Paris

I cannot wait to go back to Paris. I guess I think if I say it enough times it will happen.
I have not been to all places but I have been to a few and believe me unless you have to have sun, beach and bars than go to your Florida.....I will save my pennies to go back to Paris.
All those warnings about rude French People...not true! Really they say hi to everyone and good bye when you leave they are delightful!!
Rumors about you must speak French.... not true - but also in saying that dont be stupid as you must know a few things.
The food is easy as markets and shops are everywhere. We went to the grocery store and the cheese shops and fish markets (Oysters amazing and cheap). Wine OMG cheap and wonderful and if you want to stick with just wine and the most flavourful coffee in the world do it!
I will be posting more about our trip in the next few days.